Modelling 101

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Modeling 101, A Little

Yeah yeah…very cliché, I know. But this apparently is something that cannot be emphasized enough. Aspiring models especially, not to mention those that are already in the industry seem to make too many mistakes when it comes to trying to secure gigs or getting signed to an agency.

In light of this, I figured it would be great to put together a very very short 101 list mostly because I have to deal with the below myself. Hopefully this saves or better yet improves someone’s career.

Contacting a potential agent or client – Most of the time you will be required to do this via mail but on some occasions you’ll have the option of texting, sending a WhatsApp message or calling. Calling doesn’t require much, so let’s talk about the others. One thing you should always remember is to properly introduce yourself – please do not use your Instagram name – then clearly state your purpose, and it’s even better if you sign your texts (these people most definitely get a lot of texts from new numbers, so if you want to be remembered…).

Also, it’s really, like reaaaally important to add subjects to your mails. Otherwise your mail will almost always not be replied to, trust me when I say not everyone is patient enough to open an email they have no idea what is about when they have loads of others to attend to.

Since we are visual humans…

Sending pictures – Casting agents will specify what kind of pictures they need from you. For applying to agencies, there is always a guideline as to what you are to you should send before casting. If you fail to understand any part of their guidelines the best option is to always Google, or ask someone who knows. This pictures can be either professional or taken with a phone, depending on what they ask for. Whatever the case, do not ever send selfies to agencies or casting agents. It’s almost a guarantee that your profile will not be looked at.

Definitely not getting you a call back.

Castings – The thing about model castings is that you are judged the moment the casting directors set eyes on you. What to do? Get there at least 15 minutes before it starts, this shows you can be trusted to not hold a whole cast waiting for hours once you get the role. Also, always look your best – kempt hair, neat nails, good skin, good dressing of course (minimal color and tone down on jewelry). Your walk and posture – yeah that definitely matters – should exude nothing but confidence. Interact with other people at the auditions, you never wanna be that weird, silent kid at the corner who never got the part. Even if you don’t get the part, at least be memorable.

Beard or no beard, neat sells you.

When you get the gig – Excited that you’re finally getting bookings huh? Of course! Only, don’t forget that it has not been done yet so the only option still is staying on your best behavior. The thing about these gigs is that they are people’s investments (of time and money) and there are a lot of people involved – stylists, photographers, videographers, set directors, the list goes on and on – so the slightest thing that might inconvenience that might even cost you your career. With that in mind, the thing you should forever avoid like a plague here is canceling last minute. I hope you already get why.

Another thing, please keep your nasty attitude (if you more often than not have one) to yourself. It doesn’t matter if you are playing the lead role, the shoot is not entirely about you. And the industry is all about interrelations, word spreads from one casting agent or production team to another, so pulling that on the casting crew for even one shoot might mean you will never get another gig.

See what I mean? Production does involve a lot of parties.

There’s a lot not mentioned above just because the promise of “short” somehow has to be kept. Bottom-line is, it all rounds up to professionalism. That is really vital to remember.

Okay, that turned out to not be as short as supposed.  Thanks for reading! <3

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